
Various species of the whale order (Cetacea) are found all over the world: they live in both cold arctic seas and warm tropical waters. So, where did these neat creatures come to our planet? Some Northern epics explain it as follows: After completing the ocean, the creator of the world wanted to place the largest and most beautiful creature in it. Thus, whales came to our world. In other myths, whales are depicted as scary monsters. According to scientists, the ancestors of whales lived on land about 70 million years ago and gradually evolved to live in water.

Beluga whales (Beluga) are the only species of the genus Delphinapterus within the family Monodontidae of the order Cetacea. The other name of the species, Leucas, means "white". Belugas generally live in arctic and subarctic seas, but sometimes enter large rivers. This shows that belugas are suitable for living in both cold sea waters and warmer fresh waters.

Male belugas are on average 3.4 - 4.6 m long and weigh approximately 1500 kg. Female belugas are slightly shorter and lighter. Its body is spindle-shaped, which makes it easier to swim in water. The difference between belugas and other dolphins is that they do not have a dorsal fin. Instead of a dorsal fin, it has a protrusion in the same anatomical area. Scientists offer an evolutionary explanation for the development of a dorsal protrusion instead of a dorsal fin, as adaptation to under-ice environments or as a possible way of preserving heat. Again, a feature not found in any other whale, the cervical vertebrae of belugas are not fused together and the animal can partially move its head sideways and up and down. This feature makes it easier for belugas to hunt fish on the seabed, and at the same time, they break the ice that holds the surface of the water by lifting their heads and pressing it, helping them to get out from under the ice.

The head structure of belugas is different from all other whales because the forehead curve, called "bowler", is very prominent, round and soft. The reason for this dislocation is that the melon tissue, which is found in most toothed whales, including dolphins, is quite large in the beluga whale. The muscles around the bowel allow it to move. Belugas, like some other whales, have the ability to echolocate and use their forehead domes as a kind of sound lens. Echolocation ability is a very important feature to examine the surroundings in water that is not as clear as air. Belugas make a sound in which they hit an object and then bounce back. The bowler helps them focus on the sound they are making.

Although they do not have vocal cords, belugas make a wide range of sounds, including crackles, squeaks, shouts, whistles and bell-like sounds. Because of this diversity of sounds, herd animals can be compared to an orchestra tuning its instruments just before a concert. Because of this feature, belugas are called "sea canaries". They also use facial expressions and body movements in addition to voice to communicate. To do this, they can jump out of the water and flap the water with their front fins and tail.

One of the most striking social behaviors of belugas is helpfulness. While migrating as a flock, other herd members always protect those who are tired or sick and push them to the surface of the water to breathe. Next to the female beluga giving birth, there are always "midwives" who protect her surroundings (although they are called "midwives", these helpers can also be male belugas). Another interesting behavior is his fondness for games. Apart from eating and listening, they spend almost all their time playing. It has often been seen that belugas living in nature carry various objects on their backs and play with these objects. Belugas love to play with balls, floats and water. They squirt water from their mouths to attract people's attention.






